Nine Forks Baptist Church History
Dacusville, South Carolina
1986 – 1990
Construction on the Family Life Center continued into 1986 and on March 18th a plaque honoring Wayne Rich for his work on the new building was approved. On May 1, 1986, Nine Forks Baptist Church held the dedication ceremony for the building constructed at a cost of $225,000.
Around 1986 Nine Forks moved Doris Scruggs’ father’s fishing cabin to Robinson Field for the Farm Days Pinto Bean Hut. The church used this building for 10-12 years each Labor Day weekend to raise money for the youth.
Bonnie Crowe resigned as church secretary on 10-15-87. Jan Robinson began those duties in 1988.
For many years Nine Forks Baptist Church partnered with Pickens Twelve Mile Association and other area churches to travel to Kentucky each June. Known as Kentucky Missions, the groups conducted Bible Schools and construction work. They taught God’s word and made new friends in Christ in the Appalachian area. Through the years, we had all ages participate and we held fund raisers to assist in the efforts along with upgrading our buildings. We held several Lip-Sync Concerts and a Womanless Beauty Pageant.
On August 9, 1987, Nine Forks Baptist elected Faye Duncan as its first and only female deacon. Mrs. Duncan served faithfully for three years.
The church voted on February 7, 1988, to honor Dr. Glen Mosteller, Director of Pickens Twelve Mile Association, on his 10th anniversary as Director of Missions for Pickens Twelve Mile Baptist Association.
In June of 1988, a group from Nine Forks traveled to Washington, DC to tour our Nation’s Capital and Mount Vernon. Senator Strom Thurmond joined us for a photo on the Capitol steps.
Nine Forks voted on April 2, 1989, to become a member of United Christian Ministries. The following month on May 7, the church voted to participate in the “Here’s Hope” national simultaneous revival to be held in April of 1990. Later that same year on August 13, a motion to accept a bid of $6169.45 from Hames Music to install a sound system in the sanctuary was approved. August 27th was designated Sound System Day when members would be asked to contribute generously for the project.
Hurricane Hugo devastated the South Carolina coast on September 22, 1989. On October 1st a motion was made to designate October 22nd as a day to receive offerings for Hurricane Hugo Disaster Relief.
A resolution honoring Felton Cox was read on December 3, 1989, for his faithful service to the church since March 1, 1979.
A motion to commit to a 2 ½ year special fund for Hispanic Ministry was passed on March 4, 1990.
On the evening of April 10, 1990, a tornado destroyed most of the Nine Forks Baptist Church Family Life Center. Local emergency rescue teams and church members were on site immediately afterwards to access the damage. Meetings and sporting events were held in the gym most nights of the week at this time, but thankfully no one was there at the time and there were no bodily injuries.
On June 3, 1990, it was announced that Sherman Construction would begin immediately replacing the building destroyed by the tornado. The cost would be $313,325. Most of this would be covered by insurance. Repairs to the sanctuary from the tornado damage would cost $7000. Additional parking would be added at this time. On this same date, Felton Cox announced that he would retire from ministry effective September 30, 1990.
September 2, 1990, brought Pioneer Church Day to Nine Forks. This is still practiced today on each Farm Days Sunday. Calvin Turner was called as interim pastor on September 23, 1990.
1991 - 1995
On March 10, 1991, Harold Felmet resigned as Minister of Music. Gary Ward was voted in as pastor on October 13, 1991. He would begin his duties in November.
It was recommended on March 22, 1992, that we replace the 1976 model church van with a 1991 Dodge for a base price of $17,177. An unnamed church member financed the purchase for 6% interest over 48 months.
On January 10, 1993, we joined other churches in the Dacusville Ministerial Association in support of a Habitat for Humanity project in our area. Maximum commitment of $5000 was honored over a 1-to-5-year period and a commitment for volunteer labor was given. This house was constructed on Cedar Road.
Larry Ross was voted in as Minister of Music on February 21, 1993. Larry and his wife, Margaret, were from Travelers Rest, SC.
Men’s and women’s softball teams played at Robinson Field for many years of friendly competition between churches in our area.
On April 4, 1993, the church voted to start a fund for a new organ to replace the Conn organ purchased in 1967.
May 29, 1994, brought Keith Emory as our Minister of Children and Youth. He began this job on May 31st. Julie Ward had been the director from March 1, 1992, until February 13, 1994.
From July 13 -26, 1994 Pastor Gary Ward went on a mission trip to Kenya.
Larry Ross resigned as Minister of Music on July 24, 1994.
The church voted to renovate three rooms in the basement of the sanctuary building on September 11, 1994. There would be two rooms for children’s church and one as a prayer room.
On July 2, 1995, the church approved $1000 to assist Keith Emory and Michael Looper with a Mission Trip to Ecuador.
Dean Eades was called as Minister of Music on October 22, 1995.
1996 – 2000
A mortgage burning for the Family Life Center was held on April 28, 1996. Former pastors joined us for this day of celebration and fellowship.
In the spring of 1996 Todd Carpenter was called as minister of youth.
On June 6, 1996, the church voted to purchase new Baptist Hymnals for a cost of $9.00 each. Members could purchase these and dedicate them in honor or memory of someone.
September 8, 1996, brought the recommendation to purchase a new Allen organ from Case Brothers of Spartanburg for $21,691. The actual vote for this was postponed until passage of the 1996-1997 budget.
On November 3, 1996, the deacons recommended that we purchase 20.9 acres of land from Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Traynham for $100,000. Also, in this meeting the delayed vote was taken to purchase an Allen Organ. It passed 99 to 1. We had the organ dedication on July 20, 1997.
In the spring of 1997, the “Challenge to Build” program began to pay for the 20.9 acres, new organ, and other church improvements. The goal was $225,000 over three years. Jim Wood was the committee program director.
Construction of the new Bean Hut.
That same spring brought demolition of the old bean hut building at the NFBC Robinson Field location. A new building was constructed by members to sell beans and baked goods during the Farm Show. This one had a sink and all the modern conveniences. Each year members continued to donate their beans, baked goods, picnic tables, canopies, and time to this traditional effort.
November 2, 1997: Jan Robinson was recognized for 10 years of service as the church Secretary.
February 1, 1998: Jan Robinson resigned as Secretary.
March 15, 1998: Tammy Robinson was hired as Secretary.
July 19, 1998: Gary Ward resigned as Pastor.
August 16, 1998: Dr. Marion Hare was recommended as Interim Pastor.
September 1998: Our first set of triplets began Sunday School with Miss Nancy.
September 27, 1998: Todd Carpenter resigned as Youth Minister after seventeen months of service.
February 21, 1999: Scott Mason was presented as new Minister of Youth to begin February 24th.
May 2, 1999: Randy Blank was voted as Pastor to begin June 6th.
August 1, 1999: The church voted to increase the number of deacons from six to eight.
October 24, 1999: Jamie Bell was hired as new Director of Youth and Children.
In March of 2000, the church honored James Looper for approximately 17 years of service as the Church Treasurer. The adjacent article appeared in the April 13th edition of the Easley Progress.
May 28, 2000: The church voted to install a fire and burglar alarm system for a cost of $10,000.
August 20, 2000: Jamie Bell resigned.
On September 10, 2000, the Piano Committee (Dean Eades, Martha Wood, Rebecca Looper, Wayne Rich, Tommy Bashor, and Charles Hamilton) were presented as a group to find, purchase, and recommend any renovations needed for a new piano.
A motion was passed to purchase a new Boston 5’4” grand piano on October 15, 2000. This would require a new entrance to the sanctuary from the education building, modification to the steps entering the education building from this new entrance, and renovation to the stall around the piano. Cost for the piano would be $18,984 and renovations approximately $3000. Also on this date, a motion was made to reduce numbers of deacons back to six.
Brenda and Dean Eades
2001 – 2005
January 2001: A security system was installed throughout the church.
April 29, 2001: Robbie King was hired as new Youth Minister.
August 7, 2001: There was a motion to put playground equipment and a fence in front of the Family Life Center.
Working on the new playground
Our oldest and youngest members (Lake Looper and Alden Richardson)
Our choir around 2001 - Picture includes First Row: Donna Hall, Pat Page, Angie Dickard, Jane Robinson, Kelly King, Brenda Eades, Judy Blank, Martha Wood; Second Row: Rebecca Looper, Margie Williams, Faye Duncan, Sue Robinson, Susan Cooper, Marcia Bradley, Lisa Dalton, Frances Hall, Wanda McCuen; Third Row: Allen Cooper, Jim Wood, Bill Bradley, Joe Parsons, Bill Watkins, Dean Eades
Doris Scruggs, Marcia Bradley, Debbie Brown, Tammy Worsham, Cindy Burgess, Jane Robinson, Susan Cooper, Allen Cooper & Rebecca Looper preparing for a ladies retreat to Pigeon Forge
September 11, 2001: Pastor Blank called a special evening service to pray for our nation and the victims of the terrorist attacks that took place that morning in New York City, Washington, D.C., and the countryside of Pennsylvania.
January 9, 2002: The church voted to contribute $1000 to the campaign to put “IN GOD WE TRUST” pictures in every classroom in Pickens County Schools.
June 23, 2002: Dean Eades resigned as Minister of Music.
August 11, 2002: Danny Smith was presented as new Minister of Music.
August 25, 2002: There was discussion regarding changing the name of the church. The proposal was made to more identify the church with the Dacusville Community. Later, the church vetoed this proposal, and the name remains Nine Forks today.
RA's around 2003
Picture includes Nathan Burgess, Jeffrey Duncan, Amy Hall and Whitney Looper
March 2, 2003: Pastor Blank resigned with his last service to be on March 9th.
May 18, 2003: Reverend Jack Hester was recommended as interim to begin May 25th.
July 27, 2003: Reverend Hester was called as full-time pastor.
September 14, 2003: Robbie King resigned as Youth Minister.
November 9, 2003: New choir chairs were approved at a cost of $5007.
January 4, 2004: Sunday School and Worship times were changed to 9:30 am and 10:30 am.
January 11, 2004: A building committee was formed consisting of Kristofer and Ashley Clark, Charles Hamilton, Mike Landers and Ruby Robinson.
Senior Men's SS Class in 2004 at Mr. Lake's 90th birthday party
BF Robinson, Clayton Looper, Melvin Worsham, Bill Bashor, Bill Looper, Dave Friddle, Lake Looper, Leon Moody, Pastor Jack Hester and Richard Bridges
March 28, 2004: $4000 was approved to hire an architect to make studies and drawings for a new sanctuary building.
James and Rebecca Looper took over planning Senior Adult activities from BF Robinson and Dave and Marcelle Friddle around 2002. This active group enjoy trips to the beach, the mountains, the Cove in NC, plays, Valentine Banquets, special speakers, church dinners and out-to-eat ventures.
On May 1, 2004, Nancy McConnell, Mary Bashor, and various ladies planned and coordinated a surprise appreciation dinner for our organist, Martha Wood, and our pianist, Rebecca Looper. Martha began playing the piano at Nine Forks in 1951. At that time, three people rotated playing the piano each Sunday during church. Martha became the organist in 1968, and pianists were Wanda McCuen, Emilou Rich, and Sandra Hall Bishop. Rebecca became the pianist for Nine Forks in 1981. Both of these incredibly talented ladies are still playing for us in 2023.
August 8, 2004: Our first Constitution and By-Laws were approved.
September 26, 2004: Jay Langston was hired as our new Youth Minister.
March 2005: Nine Forks choir presented “Majesty”. This was music and drama depicting the greatest story ever told – Jesus’ death and Resurrection. Approximately 40 members were involved in this production, and it was directed by Danny Smith, Minister of Music.
The Lord's Supper
Cast and crew
Jane Robinson and Sue Robinson
Cast and crew
Teresa Landers, Margie Williams and Donna Hall
March 6, 2005: Organist and Pianist positions were established as paid staff members.
May 22, 2005: The church voted to purchase a new Chevrolet minibus for $39,900.
July 17, 2005: There was a motion to donate the 1991 Dodge van to Fondee Baptist Church in Kentucky. The van was re-painted with new decals by Harvey Alverson before being presented.
November 13, 2005: The Building Committee recommended that the architect’s building plans for a new sanctuary be kept for long term goals. They will begin looking at ways to improve the existing sanctuary. Also, Jay Langston, youth minister, resigned on this date.
2006 – 2010
January 28, 2007: A concept of renovating the gym into a sanctuary was brought before the church.
On a bitter cold Saturday, March 5, 2007, Nine Forks Baptist Church was the home base for a movie filmed in and around the Dacusville area. “Leatherheads” starred George Clooney and Renee Zellweger. The food and equipment trucks were in the parking lot and gymnasium for the day.
August 12, 2007: A vote was taken to renovate the gym and convert it to a sanctuary. 59 were in favor and 63 were against.
August 26, 2007: Sanctuary improvements were voted on and passed. The cost for new lights, new carpet and pew padding, floor structural support, refinishing the hardwood flooring on the stage, new chandeliers, and a new screen would be $30,000.
November 11, 2007: A Dedication service for new sanctuary improvements was held.
December 16, 2007: Melvin and Tammy Worsham were hired as Children’s Directors.
January 6, 2008: Jamie and Melissa Walden were hired as Youth Directors.
January 20, 2008: New round tables and chairs were approved for the Family Life Center for a cost of $5,000.
September 14, 2008: A new electronic church sign was approved for a cost of $15,980.
February 8, 2009: The church approved creation of a website:
August 3, 2009: The church was presented with a proposal to put an A/C system in the gym and to form a Building Committee to explore the idea of a new youth and children’s building.
August 16, 2009: The church voted and approved the A/C system for the gym at a cost of $45,000. An additional $6000 would be needed for power upgrades. Discussions began for the construction of a youth and children’s building.
February 4, 2010: Danny Smith resigned as Minister of Music effective February 28th.
September 12, 2010: Eddie Allgood was hired as Minister of Music.
October 25, 2010: Kim Clevenger was hired to replace Tammy Robinson as Ministry Assistant.
November 11, 2010: A pastor search committee was formed to replace Jack Hester.
Kim Clevenger resigned as Ministry Assistant in 2011 but continued as Financial Secretary. Marlene Pindroh began duties as Ministry Assistant on July 5, 2011.
2011 – 2015
January 1, 2011: Rick Fisher was called as Interim Pastor. Under his leadership, Nine Forks moved forward to build a Youth and Children’s Center. “The Defining Moment – A Legacy of Faith Continued” was begun to raise funds for this building project.
June 5, 2011: The church voted to enter into a building contract with Trehel Construction Company to build a brand-new Youth and Children’s Building.
October 10, 2011: Jeff Wright became Nine Forks Baptist Church’s Pastor.
November 13, 2011: Groundbreaking was held for the Youth and Children’s Building.
May 6, 2012: First day in our new Youth and Children’s Building.
Marlene Pindroh resigned as Ministry Assistant on August 15, 2012. Becky Hall began those duties on December 1, 2012.
June 2013: Membership approved plans to finish the back part of the Youth and Children’s Building. Most of the work to complete this part of the building was done by church members and neighbors and was directed by Jim Wood. Tommy Bashor handcrafted the cabinets throughout the building. This project was completed in January of 2014.
November 2013: Jeff Wright resigned as pastor. Rick Fisher returned as interim pastor in December. The Bus Ministry also began again this month.
Becky Hall resigned as Ministry Assistant on August 25, 2014. Tammy Robinson started as the Ministry Assistant again on September 12, 2014. She also took on the Financial Secretary responsibilities.
January 2014: Gary Pindroh began as Senior Minister. This was temporary at the time, but later became permanent.
July 6, 2014: Stephen Owens was hired as Pastor.
November 9, 2014: Stephen Owens, his wife Denise and two of his children (Caleb and Kaylee) joined the church.
January 7, 2015: This day was the first mention of expanding the church stage area.
March 8, 2015: Denise Owens (the pastor’s wife) was hired as Children’s Director.
May 8, 2015: Pastor Owens led the mission trip to Cleveland, Ohio.
June 14, 2015: Randy Brown was hired as Youth Director.
In 2015 we hired an advertising firm to assist us in developing a new church logo.
2016 – 2020
March 20, 2016: A committee was formed to update the church Constitution and By-laws. Anne Bashor, Carolyn Duncan, James Looper served on this committee.
April 3, 2016: Danny Smith returned as Minister of Music.
In June of 2016 we held our first Sports Camp at the Dacusville Recreation fields. This was in conjunction with other churches in our area.
The church voted on June 12, 2016, to expand the stage and pulpit area along with a new cross-shaped lectern. Tommy Bashor and Bill Bashor handcrafted the lectern. A new door behind the organ area was built along with new steps leading to the educational building. A wall beside the organ was built to blend in with the extended floor area. Three new television screens were later installed to be used with worship. Carolyn Duncan has continued to run the video system for us during each Sunday service and special events since they were installed.
October 9, 2016: A quote for new playground equipment was presented to the church. This playground would be adjacent to the Youth and Children’s Building.
On the morning of December 18, 2016, Pastor Owens was called away from service due to his wife, Denise, being critically ill. The church immediately went into prayer. A special prayer service was held again during the evening service. Her condition miraculously improved in the next few weeks, and she made a full recovery.
January 11, 2017: The first mention of repairing the parking lot was mentioned in a deacon’s meeting. At this time, it was about sealing and re-striping the pavement.
March 2017: Wednesday morning prayer meetings begin.
May 31, 2017: Gary Pindroh resigned as Minister to Seniors.
June 2017 - 2019: Sports Camp at the Dacusville Recreation fields continued to be organized and led by our church each summer.
The church held the mortgage burning for the Youth and Children’s Building on July 8, 2018. The building was built at a cost of $528,287 and the mortgage note of $393,287 was paid off at this time. We had lunch and games on the grounds on this day.
The parking lot discussion started again in July of 2018. This time the emphasis was on repaving the entire lot.
August 2018: James Looper began getting quotes for the parking lot. Tammy Robinson resigned as Ministry Assistant.
October 15, 2018: Jill Landers began duties as the Ministry Assistant. Tammy Robinson continued as Financial Secretary. On March 17, 2019, Randy Brown assumed Caretaker duties from Harold Scruggs who served many faithful years in this position.
On May 8, 2019, the deacons were pleased with the quote from King Asphalt. At this point, final numbers were still being worked on. On August 7th a quote of about $85,000 for the asphalt and sidewalks was presented to the church.
Members of our church started participating in the Disaster Relief efforts in 2011. October and November of 2018 took them to Conway, SC on several trips after Hurricane Florence. They worked in Panama City, Florida in January 2019 and then right here in Pickens, SC after a massive flood in February of 2020. Tornado damage took them to Seneca, SC in April of 2020 and then to Kentucky in March of 2021 after flooding. These are only a few of the southwest and eastern areas of the US where they have assisted.
PANDEMIC of 2020
At the beginning of 2020, we began to hear news about the corona virus (later commonly known as Covid-19) starting to show up in the United States. By the first of March, we were told there was a great possibility that the virus had escaped from China and was spreading throughout the world, and travel was suspended from China into the U.S. We were given daily briefings on how to handle this pandemic including wearing masks, hand washing, and staying out of crowds. Businesses were being shut down and many people started working from home.
This all affected Nine Forks as well. On March 15, 2020, we held our last normal Sunday worship services and choir practice before the world pandemic began. Schools were closed for the remainder of the year starting on Monday, March 16th. The decision was made that week to have only on-line church services. The balance of Sundays in the month of March brought church via Facebook from the pastor’s home. Danny Smith, Minister of Music, assisted Stephen with the technology to be able to broadcast from Easley.
After having Facebook services several weeks, it was decided to start having Sunday morning service only in the gym so that that members could have more space between them. Face masks were optional. Families sat together in chairs spread apart throughout the gym. The Covid cases seemed to be subsiding, so a decision was then made to return to the sanctuary for Sunday morning service, beginning June 7, 2020.
After resuming services in the sanctuary and even with all of the precautions, over forty members and their families became sick. Several members were briefly hospitalized, but Sue Robinson was hospitalized for over a week. Helen Davis was in the hospital for 52 days and therapy for three months. Sadly, after a long hospital stay, Manuel Hall (husband of Gayle and father to Brad) passed away on July 11th. This was a hard and sad time for the Nine Forks church family.
We went back to on-line Sunday service for the remainder of June. Beginning Sunday, July 1, 2020, it was announced that until future notice, morning services were once again to be held in the gym. The virus caused our Sunday School to be cancelled for six months. On Sunday, September 13, 2020, Sunday morning service was resumed in the sanctuary. On September 16, Bible Study, Prayer Service and Children and Youth Missions activities resumed. We began Sunday Evening worship services and some Sunday Schools resumed meeting on January 17, 2021.
Our parking lot was repaved along with installing new curbs and sidewalks in July of 2020. The loan for this was paid off on October 23, 2020.
December 2020: Randy Brown resigned as Youth Minister.
2021 – 2023
June 2021: Sports Camp resumed at the Dacusville Recreation fields after a year-off due to the pandemic.
September 12, 2021: Denise Owens became our youth minister.
On December 7, 2021, a group helped pack Operation Christmas Child boxes in Charlotte, NC. This is a yearly church-wide effort to assist Samaritan’s Purse with children around the world. A group from NF has been helping in Charlotte for many years now.
January 30, 2022: Danny Smith announced his resignation and retirement from the Music Ministry. On his last Sunday, February 28, 2022, several people spoke about Danny and his wife, Chris, and their years with us at Nine Forks. He ended the service with a special song and then there was a fellowship meal for the two of them and their family in the gymnasium.
April 24, 2022: The congregation voted to secure Stewart Electronics of Lyman, SC to install eight security cameras on church property at a cost of $6,629.50.
April 27, 2022: Randy Brown resigned as Caretaker.
May 8, 2022: Will Landers began duties as the new church Caretaker.
July 10, 2022: Emily Duncan began duties as the new Minister of Music.
There are two previous writings of our church history. Mr. William Mull covered the years 1885 - 1961 and Jane Handley covered 1962 – 1985. These have been reprinted and will be posted on our church website along with this third writing.
We hope that you have enjoyed this look back through the history of Nine Forks Baptist Church. Please forgive any errors or omissions. They were completely unintended. Every effort was made to include correct dates and as many activities, members, and memories as possible. Now we look forward to the future of our great church until the return of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Our 1986 - 2023 history has been submitted by Kay Bridges, Jane Handley, Tony Robinson and Martha Wood in February of 2023.